Thursday, April 2, 2015

I choose to love!

Once in a while we will meet someone who will put your patience to the test, where sometimes it is difficult to respond as Jesus would...

But no matter how hard it is, try your best to respond out of love... It will help you more than the person to whom you are giving love.

In loving others you are freeing yourself from anger, animosity, fear, doubts, chains of rejection... You become free from these when you love because you will feel compassion instead of hatred, you will be filled with hope instead of fear, you will find peace instead of turmoil and chaos... love one another...

It is best to do the things you have to do out of love... There you will find peace in your every action.
Give love... Don't be afraid to love... love comes from God.  You  give God's light by loving others.

Choose to love. I choose to love you...

Allow God to Fill Your Cup

I have just attended a retreat entitled "GOD WILL MAKE ALL THINGS NEW" by Bo Sanchez.

I would like to share some thoughts with you.
Image by Tea by the Sea

As the image says, the usefulness of a cup is in its emptiness...

This Lenten Season, empty yourself out to God and let Him fill you with His greatness.

Let go of your past sins and guilt, your addiction, your selfishness, your being a mediocre... empty yourself from whatever burdens you are carrying... from whatever is stopping you from growing... from whatever is blinding you from seeing that God is here... God has always been with you...

Let God fill you... do not be afraid to be empty... to have nothing... because in the end, God is all you need.