Saturday, August 8, 2020

Have the Attitude of Gratitude

At this time during the pandemic, it is so easy to be lured to just give up, break out and just scream!

But praise and thanks be to God, for we have Him in our life.  

He always calls us to come to Him, to be in His presence even when we are busy... either busy thinking about our sorrows, busy thinking about the things we have to do, busy thinking about the future of our kids, our family and so an so forth.

The question is do we stop and acknowledge the invitation to come to Him?

Oh, how easy it is to be drowned by negative thoughts so before it even reaches the level where it dominates our being, call out to Him and pray.  

Just a few hours ago, I was at a loss and I was starting to feel sorry for myself, I am not feeling well (due to non-covid hehehe...), and I still have so much to do.  How tempting it is to just stay at home and rest. 

SO, what happened???

The words, "He who has planted the dream in You has the capacity to make it happen!" echoed in my mind.  And so with that thought, it was like adrenalin pushing me to make things happen and not be lured by the temptation to just scream! hahahaha! To be honest, it was so tempting to do just that. 

I told God, "I will not give up on the dreams that you have planted in me."  And so here I am. Writing.  Because, for several days now, I have been wanting to share the WORLD GRATITUDE SUMMIT but wasn't able to. 


YUP, what these past few weeks have taught me is that the ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE is one of the most important things that my 4 kids needed to live a full life. 

If you are not happy with your surrounding, change it.  Do something about it.  Make it happen.

Let us focus on finding the solution and not dwell on the problem.   What can we do? 

And so, it is my joy and pleasure, to invite you to join the WORLD GRATITUDE SUMMIT, to be held ONLINE on August 13-15, 2020.   I am happy to be accepted as one of their ambassadors. :) 

Just click on this link for the FREE Pass WORLD GRATITUDE SUMMIT

Should you wish to have a VIP Pass for WORLD GRATITUDE SUMMIT

Let us refill ourselves with GRATITUDE, see you at the SUMMIT! God bless!  


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