I know the feeling is not healthy. The feeling of uncertainty brings fear.
However you want to be protected by God's loving embrace, a time will still come when you will feel down and might let yourself be trapped into negative self talk. The lies of the enemy will try to find its way to your heart and to your mind. It becomes even easier for the enemy to succeed when we are far from God, when we are busy with other things and put Him aside.
At a time like this, who else should we turn to but to our Father God.
Psalm 34:1-8
1 [2] I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall be ever in my mouth. 2 [3] Let my soul glory in the Lord; the lowly will hear me and be glad. 3 [4] Glorify the Lord with me, let us together extol his name. 4 [5] I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. 5 [6] Look to him that you may be radiant with joy, and your faces may not blush with shame. 6 [7] When the poor one called out, the Lord heard, and from all his distress he saved him. 7 [8] The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. 8 [9] Taste and see how good the Lord is; blessed the man who takes refuge in him.
Arm yourself with verses from the Bible and quickly use one when you feel the enemy is trying its way to you. It's good to memorize verses that struck you and you'll have lots of weapon to use when you need one. :)
Look to him that you may be radiant with joy, and your faces may not blush with shame. ~Psalm 34:5
Expose yourself to God's light. Let God's light shine into your life that you may radiate with joy and darkness will find it hard to come to you.
The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. ~Psalm 34:7The Lord sends angels into our life. They are present and real. You may have encountered them in the form of your officemate, your friend, a bus seatmate, a passersby with a friendly smile. You always have someone with you. God has sent an angel to guard you.
God loves you. :)
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